Acupuncture & Shiatsu
Chris Touros Lic Ac MBAcC BSc(Hons) MRSS
Emma Campbell Lic Ac MBAcC BSc(Hons) MRSS

Fertility Acupuncture

  • Fertility and IVF Support
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Menopause

Other women’s health issues

Fertility Acupuncture

Acupuncture is now the go-to treatment for women to optimise natural conception or support IVF, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones, and preparing the body for conception and a healthy pregnancy. For over 25 years we have been successfullly supporting couples on their journey to having children.  

A growing body of evidence shows that acupuncture is effective in supporting those with fertility issues increasing chances of conception and live birth rates. Acupuncture is also recommended for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, can help with breech presentation and induction.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis (the highest level of research for evaluating the effects of a treatment) found that acupuncture significantly improved the live birth rate of sub-fertile female patients undergoing IVF/ICSI.

An analysis by the University of Maryland School of Medicine suggests that women who undergo In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can increase their chances of pregnancy by up to 65% if they are also treated with acupuncture (British Medical Journal 2008).

A study in Germany found that acupuncture may also increase a couple's chance of conception when used in conjunction with IVF. Those who received acupuncture before and after implantation showed a 42.5% pregnancy success rate, compared with the standard In Vitro group had a 26.5% pregnancy rate (published by the National Library of Medicine in April of 2002).

Recent research has shown that women using acupuncture were just as likely to conceive as women using a fertility drug (Reuters Health: Fertility and Sterility 2002; 78; 1149-1153).

Male infertility accounts for about 35% of couples difficulty in conceiving. Acupuncture can improve sperm motility, morphology and quantity. We encourage men to play a more active and positive role in increasing a couple's chances of conception, and will make relevant lifestyle and dietary recommendations to support this process.


  • morning sickness
  • acid reflux
  • low back pain
  • fatigue
  • sciatica
  • constipation
  • haemorrhoids
  • breech babies
  • postnatal depression

    Many women find acupuncture and shiatsu beneficial during pregnancy. It can help with a variety of problems, such as low back pain, morning sickness, acid reflux, and can support and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

    Moxabustion is now a well recognised treatment for turning breech babies from 28 weeks onwards (American Journal of Chinese Medicine - Winter 2001 Yoichi Kanakura et al). Midwives often refer women in this condition for moxa treatment as they acknowledge its efficacy and repeated success.
    Acupuncture and shiatsu can also help induce labour, helping the mother to stay relaxed, and assist with pain management during birth.

    After childbirth, acupuncture and shiatsu along with dietary recommendations are very helpful in restoring and replenishing the new mother's energy.

    Menstrual Problems:
  • abdominal cramps
  • acne
  • amenorrhea
  • bloating
  • breast distention
  • heavy periods
  • irregular periods
  • irritability
  • missed periods
  • mood swings
  • painful periods
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

    Acupuncture and shiatsu can help to treat problems associated with irregular or painful periods. regulate periods. Promoting a regular, healthy cycle is a central aim of acupuncture treatment and for all conditions associated with menstruation. Nurturing a positive relationship with this natural process is considered essential to an overall sense of health and well being.

    Menopausal symptoms:
  • depression
  • hot flushes
  • dryness
  • night sweats
  • poor sleep
  • anxiety

    This time of transition can be made more comfortable for women for whom night sweats, hot flushes, anxiety and depression etc, are a problem. Treatment focuses on restoring depleted energy, encouraging restfulness, reducing excessive sweating, and helping women coming to terms with the natural changes as they evolve.

    Other Women’s Health issues:
  • vaginal discharge/thrush/candida
  • cystitis
  • endometriosis
  • fibroids

    Chronic menstrual problems such as fibroids respond well to more long-term care. Acupuncture can help restrain heavy bleeding associated with fibroids and relieves the pain of endometriosis.
    Acupuncture is also effective for treating cystitis and helps alleviate the symptoms associated with discharge irregularities, thrush and candida.

    For more information please call:

    Chris 07956 464 222
    Emma 07971 289 557 or email:


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